Thursday, September 11, 2014

Is cheerleading a sport? 

A very controversial topic in the cheer leading world is whether it is considered a sport or not? What do you consider it? Most people do not know everything that goes into cheer and think it is just something easy and fun. Fans see cheerleaders standing on the sideline supporting the sports team but it is so much more. 

Cheer leading is actually just the opposite of easy, it is extremely challenging. You have to have strength, flexibility, endurance and much more in order to be successful. According to a sport is "an athletic activity that requires physical prowess and often a competitive nature"Just like any other sports team cheerleaders train for months on end, it basically is an all year round sport. As cheerleaders we do not only cheer on the football or basketball team but we also compete. Football season is seen as more of a preseason to competitive season. Through the winter months it is competition season in the cheer world. They are scored based on a routine, which all must be perfect to win. Just like any other sport the team with the highest score wins. Cheer leading also is a physically demanding job you do not only do flips but also hold someone above your head. Cheerleaders are often asked do you even lift? Yes they do, they lift people, throw them in the air and catch them safely. Cheer is also a very dangerous activity, although they make it look easy,they are faced with a chance of injury everyday. Most practices someone in bound to get hurt whether it be something minor like an elbow to the face or something major such as a broken leg from trying a new tumbling pass. Cheer is actually considered one of the most dangerous activities to be involved in.

Although cheer leading is not considered a sport according to NCAA I believe it suits the definition of a sport according to Cheer is an athletic activity, requires physical skill and is very competitive.

Here is a video to show just how hard challenging cheer leading can be. Does this change your perception of cheer?

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