Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cheer Terms

The following are all common cheer terms and all definitions are based off of the MHSAA (Michigan High School Athletic Association) cheer leading glossary.

Stunting Positions:

Base: The person on the ground that holds the other girl in the air. They hold the weight, catch and support the person in the air. There are typically two bases per stunt that you want to be around the same height so the stunt is even.

Flyer:  The person that everyone sees in the air that is being help up by the bases. There is one flyer per stunt group and they are usually very petite.

Back Spot: They hold the flyers ankles while she is in the air as well as catch her head, neck, shoulder and back when she is caught. There is one back spot per stunt group and they are typically very tall.

Stunting Terms:

1.Basket Toss: The tossing of a flyer by three to four bases, two of which must have their hands interlocked in a basket position. Once the flyer is tossed she is no longer in contact with anyone and able to do tricks in the air.

2.Bracer: A bracer is a flyer who stabilizes a stunt with another flyer. Bracers are used in pyramids to keep it stable.

3.Cradle Catch: The flyer is caught in a face up position with the catcher’s hands/arms up and by placing one arm under the back and one under the thighs of the flyer. If the Bases are not close enough the flyer will fall through their arms.

4.Cupie: The flyer is held in a feet together standing upright position above the bases heads.

5.Dismount: At the end of the stunt when you set the flyer back on the ground.

6.Elevator: A stunt in which the bases are bent and at shoulder level and the flyer is standing in the hand(s) of the bases.

7. Extension: A stunt in which the bases arms are fully extended above the head, and the flyer is standing in the hands of the bases with the back spot holding the flyers ankles.

8. Liberty: A one-legged stunt with free leg bent, knee facing forward, foot touching inside knee of support leg. You should be able to balance a coffee cup on your thigh if you are doing the position correct.

9. OLE: One-legged extension, any one legged stunt.

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