Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Competitive Season

Competitive Season

Competition season is between the months of November and February but actual competitions don't start until December. Competitions usually fall on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Wednesday competitions typically start at 6 and only last about 2-3 hours but Saturday competitions start earlier about 8 and can go all day. There are many different competitions you can attend, the ones you go to depend on the ones your coach picks. On the other hand some competitions you must be invited to. All year you compete at these competitions but in reality they do not really count for anything. The competitions that really matter are districts, regionals and states.


At districts there are many teams competing. You compete against schools in your district and the top four teams advance to regionals. So you must out on a really good performance in all three rounds if you want to make it out.


At regionals now there are four teams from each region. Here the competition is pretty stiff everyone wants to make it out so bad to go to the state finals. Again at regionals only four teams will make it to the state finals where they get to compete against the best of the best.

State Finals

At the state finals it is the best teams in Michigan. They are help in Grand Rapids at the Delta Plex and are also shown on television. There can only be one winner and everyone wants the title of state champions. As a state champion you get a medal and ring along with bragging rights. For some people on the team this could be a once in a lifetime experience so they are out to win.

Delta Plex

The Delta Plex is an arena in Grand Rapids that holds many events not just cheer competitions. They have the cheer state finals as well as a huge competition on Valentines weekend. This competition is really fun because you get to stay in a hotel and competition in a huge arena. Although this competition is an extremely long day it is fun. There is a curse at the Delta Plex though. If it is your teams first year going then you are bound to either have someone get sick or hurt or your routine goes horrible. So it is almost a guarantee your first year there you will not do good and something will go wrong.

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