Monday, December 8, 2014

Balancing a Sport and School

Here are some tips for balancing a sport and school. In an athletes life both school and their sport are very important to them so it is important to find a happy medium so you can do well. In most school acquainted sports you must maintain a certain GPA or percentage in every class to be able to participate in that sport. Therefore time management in very important for members of a sports team.

1. Get organized: Calendars or agenda planners are very helpful with staying organized. You can write down all if your practice times and the outfits you are supposed to wear. You can also write keep track of when you have assignments due, tests, quizzes and big projects due. If you have your life written down in this planner you are less likely to forget something or not show up to a practice.

2. Manage your time: Writing in your planner what time school and your sport are allow you to see what time you can give to studying, homework and social time. If you do not have a certain time you do homework you will probably never do it or stay up late trying to cram it in, leaving you tired for the next day.

3. Plan your week: Every week you should look ahead in your schedule to see what upcoming events you have such as games, competitions, tests, quizzes etc. If you look ahead you can plan ahead. If you have a project due on Friday and do not have school on Tuesday you can fit in time that day to do your project.

4. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!! This is the most important when you are an athlete. Procrastinating will make you stressed out! If you procrastinate you will have to cram everything into one day and will not be able to do as well as you may have hopped. Eventually procrastination can lead to you falling behind in classes. You want to stay on top of your schedule and do not let your schedule control you.

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