Monday, December 8, 2014

Effective Cheer Practices

These are good ways to run a cheer practice to ensure your team is having a good time yet still being productive.

1. Warm-Up:
- Well the team is warming up tell them the goals you want to achieve well practicing
- Let different people lead streches
- Jumping Jacks are a great way to start practice and get the team warmed up
- Pick a routine you want to start working on

2.  Jumps:
- Warm up about 5-10 of each jump ( toe touch, pike etc)
- Do leg lifts to strengthen legs

3. Tumbling:
- Practice tumbling skills
- Work on new skills
- Show coach skills they want to do at the game

4.  Water/ Bathroom breaks:
- Allow water and bathroom breaks whenever you feel they are neccessary

5. Stunt:
- Work on skills you plan to put into the routine
- Learn new stunts
- Make sure well stunting you are practicing safety as well

6. Chants:
- Work on all chants for the games so everyone is prepared to do them
- Incorporate stunts and tumbling to your chants

7. Cool Down:
- Strech
- See if you reached that days goals
- Talk about paperwork or any other miscellaneous information

Extra Tips:
- Keep a positive attitude
- Give constructive criticism
- Make routines built around your teams abilities
- Incorporate team building activities into some of your practices

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