Monday, December 8, 2014

Cheerleading is Danergous

A lot of uninformed people consider cheerleading a sport for wimps but they just haven't tried it yet. Cheer is very hard and everyday you cheer you could get an injury. Cheerleading is actually in the top 10 most dangerous sports to be involved in.

The top 10 most dangerous sports include:
1. Horseback riding
2. Cheerleading
3. Bull riding
4. Gymnastics
5. Football
6. Hockey
7. Boxing
8. Lacrosse
9. Motocross
10. Wrestling

As you can see in ranked second in the most dangerous sports category beating sports that most people would say are more dangerous. Cheerleading has more emergency room visits than any of the sports listed.

Why is cheer considered so dangerous?

1. There are no pads: Football and hockey are full contact sports which involve the players wearing lots of padding. In cheerleading there is no padding worn at all. This is truly a full contact sport. You are throwing a girl in the air and then catching her again with the possibility of getting knocked out by an arm, leg or head. For the person in the air you are getting thrown up with the possibility of getting dropped flat on your back. You could also we whacked in the face with an arm or even head butt someone.

2. Concussions: Cheer is the sport with the most concussions. It is proven that cheerleaders are the main athletes that continue to practice without even knowing they are concussed. Concussions can lead to mental damage if they are severe and not taken care of. Continueing to practice could make it worse.

3. Broken bones: Everyday at practice you have the possibility of getting hurt. There are no days where you done throw someone in the air or tumble. One wrong mistake could lead to a minor sprain or a broken leg. Also if you are fooling around you could mess up on a tumbling pass and break a wrist or ankle. Everything involved with cheerleading could cause a broken bone if not done correctly.

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